Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Secret of Happiness?

What do I want from life?

I think if you dig deep down to the question "What do I want from life?", one of the main things is that you want to be happy.  A very easy question, but not such a straight forward answer.  
Because we are all different, there's no one size fits all.  What makes me happy, doesn't mean it's going to make my neighbor happy.  I ponder on this item quite often, and maybe like most, I still need to find out what that 'secret' is.
We grow up hearing fairy tales with happy endings, most movies also give the happy ending...  I can remember a couple where there's no happy ending... leaves you with an empty feeling.

Don't get me wrong, I don't see myself as an unhappy person, but I always try to find a better way.... a happier way.   Here are a few points that help me in my pursuit of happiness.

Look inside, not outside

I think a good start is a good look at yourself in the mirror.  Do some soul searching of what your situation is right now.
Be truthful to yourself and write down all the ideas, no matter how crazy or impossible they seem.
In other words, find out what floats your boat.

Accept who you are

After you list down what gives meaning to your life, you need to learn to accept the truth about yourself.  Sometimes that can also pose its challenges.  Society might dictate that what makes you happy is not acceptable, but you need to overcome that.  As long as what makes you happy is not hurting others, give yourself the freedom to be who you truly are.

Appreciate the little things in life

If you're expecting happiness to come in big bursts of fireworks and grandeur, you might be waiting for a long time.  Instead notice and appreciate the little things.  We are so focused on big dramas, probably from watching too many TV shows, that we miss all the small things passing us by, leaving us with a sad, empty feeling that life has nothing to offer us.

Focus on what you have

Be thankful for all the  things that you have. There are so many people in this world that are homeless and suffer from hunger.  It's good that once in a while we stop and open our eyes to how lucky we are; even if just for the simple things that we take for granted such as a roof over our heads, clothes to keep us warm and food to fill our bellies.